Monday, June 01, 2009

Can we see it now?

If I did this correctly, here's the Scrapblog I tried to post a while ago.

Friday, January 30, 2009

maybe I didn't do it right...

I can't get the Scrapblog that I made to open, but I will keep trying. I hope I can figure it out, the scrapbook page I made is too cute! And it's my very first digital page ever.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Elizabeth is here!!!!

ok...she's actually been here for just over a month, but I just found the time to get this blog going. I had intended for this blog to be an opportunity to keep everyone updated on how my pregnancy was progressing...yeah, that didn't happen! So, it will be a place where I can keep you all informed about Elizabeth and the family. Now, if only I stay relatively current, I will be able to keep our friends and family up to date and I will have my journaling for my scrapbooks done ahead of time!!!